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 • 2002/2003  • Brundibár
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This is the attempt to secure the yield of a life and to make it effective.
In the foreground is my current book project about Leonardo's portrait of a girl who does NOT have an ermine in her arm, but a ferret, which changes everything and places the painting in the fountain of today's love and art experience, making it appear as a paradigm of MODERN love and painting.
Behind it is the last of the projects that fill my life, that of a fundamentally new philosophy of love = about love / out of love.
Neither the decision to do the actual life's work after the academic and pedagogical gainful work nor the topics of this work are accidental: I was loved a lot and loved a lot and passionately, that gave me impetus and boldness, and so I have Diverse „created”, not only a now 16-headed offspring, but also numerous writings, and I failed a lot.
So it happens that my parents who died early, a touching pair of lovers in terrible times, are given a lot of space, and especially my gifted mother, from whom I „have everything” – not only for the better: Leni Asbeck, née Stausberg, the first girl in the village who was allowed to go to high school after high school and who could have made an academic, literary or political career.
So it happens that here, so to speak, the shards and between them the few jewels that may develop their shine, if they are such. Including mine educational doctoral thesis bought too dearly from family deprivation, my greatest pride, born from my most devastating failure:
zu Foto 1
the saving criticism of the globally applauded and yet false shrine „Brundibár”, the work onthe street I live in, my most disinterested publication, the book about „Halved Enlightenment and total medicine” = psychiatry under National Socialism, my most hopeless struggle, the one for the „Festival of Philosophyr”, my contributions to utopian developments in education: an integration of professional and general education, learning in projects, inclusion – and finally the secondary issues that could also be worth it: pictures and thoughts on tall and short people, on orchids and animals, on islands, landscapes and cities, on literature, art and music, on language, religion, on riding and driving.

zu Foto 26 zu Foto 2 zu Foto 7 zu Foto 3 zu Foto 4 zu Foto 5 zu Foto 6n zu Foto 9n zu Foto 10n Landleben mit Lehrauftrag Uni Gießen Hannover zu Foto 13n zu Foto 12 zu Foto 15n zu Foto 11 Pralinen-Manufaktur zu Foto 10 zu Foto 13 Ansprache zu den Stolpersteinen in Krakau Frauenschuh in den Sieben Bergen zu Foto 23n zu Foto 20 zu Foto 25n zu Foto 26n zu Foto 27n zu Foto 28n

The mentioned books will appear in 2021 and 2022 under these titles:

Das Mädchen mit dem Furetto.

Die Sichtbarkeit der Liebe auf Leonardos unverstandenem Bildnis der Cecilia Gallerani, sogenannter Dame mit dem Hermelin

[The visibility of love on Leonardo's misunderstood portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, so-called lady with an ermine]

→ further information and writings / preprints available for download ...

Zärtliche Lichtung.

Die Philosophie der Liebe selbst.

[Delightful clearing. The philosophy of love itself.]

→ further information and writings / preprints available for download ...

Ontologie des Nichtidentischen:

Die Philosophie der Liebe selbst

Band II

[Ontology of the nonidentical: The philosophy of love itself Volume II]

Status update: March 21, 2021
Archive 2002/2003: → to my former Brundibár homepage ... [german only]
Anyone who wants to scientifically or journalistically investigate this case, from which a truly "didactic piece" can be derived, can count on my help and also view documents which could not appear or not appear in plain text on the following Internet pages published in 2002 and 2003:
brundibar-kritik.de: → to my former Brundibár criticism pages ... [English and german]
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