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Announcements; these books will appear in 2021 and 2022 under these titles:
zu Foto 90

Das Mädchen mit dem Furetto. Die Sichtbarkeit der Liebe auf Leonardos unverstandenem Bildnis der Cecilia Gallerani, sogenannter Dame mit dem Hermelin

[The girl with the furetto | The visibility of love on Leonardo's misunderstood portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, the so-called lady with an ermine]

In advance for interested parties and researchers, my papers / preprints already available for this project as a download:
  • Das Mädchen mit dem Furetto

    [The Girl with the Furetto]
    german preprint Hanover 2019. 10 pages.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [0.6 MB]

  • Das Mädchen mit dem Furetto: Die Entstehung des Bildes

    [The Girl with the Furetto: The Creation of the Picture]
    1st edition german preprint Hanover 2020. 132 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [6.7 MB]

  • Beilage zu „Die Entstehung des Bildes”:

    Einfügung in den Zusammenhang, Erklärung der Absicht, Methode, Abstract, Stand der Ausarbeitung, Hilfe-Ruf
    [Supplement to „The Origin of the Picture”: Insertion into context, explanation of intention, method, abstract, status of elaboration, call for help]
    german preprint Hanover 2020. 78 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [1.3 MB]

  • Das Mädchen mit dem Furetto

    Die Sichtbarkeit der Liebe auf Leonardos unverstandenem Bildnis der Cecilia Gallerani, sogennanter Dame mit Hermelin
    [The girl with the furetto | The visibility of love on Leonardo's misunderstood portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, the so-called lady with an ermine]
    3rd edition german preprint Hanover 2019. 66 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [2.3 MB]

  • Intermezzo

    Die Präsenz des Furetto
    [Intermezzo | The presence of the Furetto]
    german preprint Hanover 2019/2020. 74 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [1.5 MB]

zu Foto 19

Zärtliche Lichtung. Die Philosophie der Liebe selbst.

[Tender lightening. The philosophy of love itself.]

In advance for interested parties and researchers, my papers / preprints already available for this project as a download:
  • all of the above ...

  • Zu Ehren von M. Abramovic: Für eine Philosophie der Liebe

    [In honor of M. Abramovic: For a philosophy of love]
    Lecture / german manuscript Hanover 2013. 8 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [1.2 MB]

  • Über die Liebe

    german preprint Hanover 2012. 69 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [1.8 MB]

  • I. Meditation: Über Bäume und die Liebe als Sein-Lassen

    Sein Lassen. Meditationen über Liebe und Existenz: Vorrede
    [I. Meditation: On trees and love as letting be | Letting be. Meditations on Love and Existence: Preface]
    german preprint Hanover 2012. 36 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [0.3 MB]

  • II. Meditation: Jenseits von Romantik und Banalität: Über das eine Wesen der Liebe
    III. Meditation: Über Zeug und den Denker des Seins

    [II. Meditation: Beyond romance and banality: About the one essence of love
    III. Meditation: On Stuff and the Thinker of Being]
    german preprint Hanover 2012. 44 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [1.7 MB]


    oder Der Liebesblick auf die Menschheit
    [THE PAINTER'S STUDIO | or the love look at humanity]
    german preprint Hanover 2011. 60 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [11.3 MB]

  • Was die Liebe also ist

    Neufassung des Kapitels in Eros als Maler + Ergänzungen
    [So what is love | New version of the chapter in Eros as a painter + additions]
    german preprint Hanover 2011. 89 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [7.7 MB]

  • Über die Liebe

    Exkurs 6 Die Entstehung der Liebe
    [About love | Excursus 6 The Origin of Love]
    german preprint Hanover 2009. 56 pages, illustrations.
    → downloadgerman preprint available for download ... [14.4 MB]


Ontologie des Nichtidentischen: Die Philosophie der Liebe selbst Band II

[Ontology of the nonidentical: The philosophy of love itself Volume II]

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